Tulla Natives - Our story

Marc and Stacey Brooke

We began Tulla Natives in 2015. 

Initially, we began with a passion for gardening and native plants. We loved it so much we began germinating our own seed and that soon flourished into our native nursery and cut flower & foliage plantation.

The process of planting the cut flower plantation involved germinating our own seed to ensure reliable plant stock. Eventually, after the plantation was complete (or so we thought)- we continued to enjoy germinating our own seed, and this led to creating the nursery we have today. We are still continuing to expand the cut flower & foliage plantation due to increasing demand and have thus far 35 acres under intense plantation with approximately 7000 plants in the ground.

We are extremely proud of our growing business. We thoroughly enjoy what we do and absolutely love working with customers to achieve great gardens and plantations!

We are now able to offer contract planting for wholesale stock, and are closely following the incredible demand in revegetation and carbon reduction plantations. We are incredibly excited for the future of our growing business.

We are also extremely excited to continue growing Anameka Fodder Shrub for the Eastern states of Australia under Chatfields National Growers Licence in partnership with CSIRO. We are extremely fortunate to have the support from Dustin & Lisa McCreery from Chatfields nursery in Tammin WA, who have helped us begin and continue our journey in growing the amazing Anameka fodder shrub. We are planning to expand significantly in the next few years in this space. Please go to the Contract Planting page for more information